*Still Under Construction.
For Students
- Should I Get My PhD? (Probably not)
- I'd Like to Go to Graduate School. Now What?
- Advice Against Doing What You Love
- Jobs for psychology majors (without graduate school) Video link
- Career Planning 1 - Personality Assessment
- Developing an optimal work - life balance (with worksheet and video link)
For Faculty
- Designing an Online Course from Scratch (Four part series), I, II, III, IV
- Applied Research for Teachers (Three part series), I, II, III
- How Not to Write a Letter of Introduction to Your Students
- Putting Students Above the Curriculum
- Non-directive Teaching for an Online Course
- Non-directive teaching in face-to-face courses (and some surprises)
- Is it Possible to be Social in Online Courses? (I don't know)
- Intuition-based Course Design
- An Interview with Carl Rogers about Nondirective Teaching
- Using Learning Contracts (of Malcolm Knowles)
- My experience following up with students who have been missing class
- Five Factors for Humanizing Online Classrooms
- Seven Strategies for Autonomy Supportive Teaching in College
- Self-directed Learning (nondirective teaching) in an Online Course: An Introduction
- Nondirective Teaching as Delegation Management (following Covey's 7 Habits)
- On Using Illustrations in Academic Writing (LinkedIn article)
- How to Write 5 Books in 5 Years (While Managing an Ungodly Teaching Load) (Medium article)
- Making Time For Your Writing
- Avoiding Vanity and Predatory Presses
- How to Review a Book (LinkedIn article)
- What To Do When Your Article/Book Is Rejected
- How to find a suitable journal for your article
- Preparing your manuscript for submission to a journal
- How to organize your article, essay, or book
Personal Development
- Stop Procrastinating by Organizing Your Priorities
- Make One Small Change for a Significant Life Improvement
- Goal Setting (Short Term) (decide what you want from life, plan for it)
- Goal Setting (Long Term) (Ten years: Write a day in your life)
- Mindfulness Meditation (Medium article)
- Low intensity Aerobic Exercise
- Using Biofeedback to Decrease Stress (External Link)
- Creativity Scale (How Creative Are You?)
- Emotional Intelligence Scale
- How Gritty Are You?
- Locus of Control Scale
- Multiple Intelligences Test
- Personality Inventory (Big 5)
- Quality of Life Inventory (Medical)
- Sense of Coherence Inventory (Medical)